Just Sticks - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

Last time I checked, gathering sticks was still free and you will get brownie health points for walking. I call this a win-win activity.  There are many ways to use your newfound sticks, for example, The Big Bug or


the Halloween Brooms. They can come in all shapes and sizes and are made per order. Each is as unique as the witch who is going to fly it. This year I gathered enough material to make newer and faster brooms. Check out the Spring Broom article in my IDEAS section.

Giraffes were made from drift wood that was painted to exaggerate the features. The drift wood was then covered by a wood protection sealer, which ensures long life and durability of the piece.

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  • giraffe-clnd-by-ela
  • giraffes-cleaned-w
  • giraffes-driftwood-garden-clnd-resized-by-ela